31 05 2009

The phrase “highly anticipated new album” takes on a whole new meaning with Newham Generals debut album ‘Generally Speaking’ released through Dizzee Rascal’s Dirtee stank label.

Rumours and circumspection have been rife for nearly some half decade now about a full and proper release from Dizzee’s right-hand crew comprising of producer Cage and MCs D Double E and Footsie, so we’re finally very glad to say it’s here, and it’s a proper killer!

While we’re sure some hardcore Grime heads will have some form of gripe with it, for the rest of us it’s a shockingly hard and heavy dose of raw E7 grime, pulling no punches and lunging forward with their trademark hardcore lyrics and tuffer-than-the-rest production.

The Prodigy inflected single ‘Head Get Mangled’ excepted, this is a strong, uncompromising and focussed set with the potential to turn a whole generation of kids onto the good side of grime, from the industrial tainted ‘Supadupe (Ooah Ooah)’ to the Dizzee and G-Man guesting ‘Violence’, via the ridiculously murky ‘Heard You Been Smokin’ with screwy crack-bong sounds and the old skool hardcore tribute ‘Mind Is A Gun’ the crew truly prove their form here. The production duties are commendably handled by Footsie & Cage and set head and shoulders above your average grime mixtape.

In our opinion this is the album that Grime should have delivered years ago to inspire a generation of youngers to increase their production values and understand what a good album should sound like.

Unfortunately it’s taken until now but that’s absolutely no reason not to enjoy it!


Source : http://www.boomkat.com/item.cfm?id=169846



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